Release History for browser_driver


Bug fix when using dst_pypi.bat to upload to production Python package index Bug fix for Sphinx version not matching updating it to pull from configuration file. Also moved some project information into the configuration file for use with Sphinx and One could argue that’s too much refactoring for a bug fix version which is a descent argument; best laid plans of mice and men and such.


Bug fix where the setup process would update the cfg file key = value where the bat file was updating as key=value. Set bat file to key = value logic.


Bug fix in dist_pypi.bat+browser_driver.cfg where key = value (with space) broke the update of distribution date in file. The file need to have key=value without spaces.


Updated adding find_and_list_packages() method. Updated the dist_pypi.bat script in a number of ways. Including updating the date we uploaded to a pypi environment in the project cfg file.


First development release to with Semantic Version number scheme. Up until this time we had been messing with the idea of a calendar version. This was abandoned because Semantic Version is well know, and has value in what it communicates in it’s MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION schema, including indicating a breaking of the public api, when the MAJOR portion is changed.