Too Long; Didn’t Read (TL;DR)

Install this package to generate a new Python project

c:\Python37>scripts\pip install sjb.pyguide
Successfully installed Menu-3.1.0 configparser2-4.0.0 sjb.pyguide-0.2.5
c:\Python37>scripts\py_guide --show_menu

Follow the on screen directions to generate your project

        Python Guide for Practicing Wizards

1. Generate new project
2. py_guide help
3. Exit

>>> 1

What name do you want to use for author, copyright holder? [sburke]
What is the name of your project?py_project
INFO | Your project was created at C:\Users\sburke\PycharmProjects
INFO | Deactivating Python Virtual Environment (c:\python37)
INFO | Creating Virtual environment...
INFO | Activating Python Virtual Environment (C:\Users\sburke\PycharmProjects\py_project\venv)
INFO | Downloading pip installation file...
INFO | Installing pip ...
Installing collected packages: configparser2, docutils, Menu, Pygments, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, sphinxcontrib-websupport, alabaster, idna, urllib3, chardet, certifi, requests, six, pyparsing, packaging, snowballstemmer, imagesize, colorama, pytz, babel, Sphinx, sphinx-rtd-theme, pkginfo, tqdm, webencodings, bleach, readme-renderer, requests-toolbelt, twine
INFO | Deactivating Python Virtual Environment (C:\Users\sburke\PycharmProjects\py_project\venv)
INFO | Activating Python Virtual Environment (c:\python37)

As indicated in the console output there is now a project at C:\Users\sburke\PycharmProjects\py_project. I suggest using PyCharm to open it and get coding.